Blame the Fed and Government, not Free Markets: Author of 'Meltdown' Interviewed on 58 Live
Tom Woods does not mince words and puts the blame squarely on the Fed (Bernanke, Greenspan, et al) and the U.S. government (Congress) for the financial meltdown and the economic and banking crisis.
What is ironic is that Congressman Ron Paul's warnings and economic platform, ignored by the heavy-handed republican establishment during the primaries (and which no other republican candidate stood for), is now becoming popular and receiving the attention it deserves. Ron Paul in fact wrote the forward for Dr. Wood's book.
[Recording made under FAIR USE rules, intended for educational purposes only].
About Tom Woods

Thomas E. Woods, Jr., is the New York Times bestselling author of nine books. A senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Woods holds a bachelor's degree in history from Harvard and his master's, M.Phil., and Ph.D. from Columbia University. Read more »
A New York Times bestseller!
Click here for a free chapter of Meltdown.
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Click here to order the audiobook.
“A must-read. Writing with remarkable clarity and occasional mordant humor, Thomas Woods makes a compelling argument for a radical turn to the free market as the only way to prevent meltdowns from recurring.”
From the foreword by Ron Paul:
________TAKE ACTION: Call Rep. Capito or your Representative______“We can probably expect an avalanche of books in the coming months that purport to tell us what happened to the economy and what we should do about it. They’ll be dead wrong, and most of the advice they provide will be dreadful. You can count on that.
“That’s why Meltdown is different. This book actually gets things right. It correctly identifies our problems, their causes, and what we should do about them. It treats the architects of this debacle not with the undeserved reverence they receive in Washington and on television, but with the critical eye that is so conspicuously missing from our supposedly independent thinkers in academia and the media.
Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Federal Reserve (HR 1207) now has 50 co-sponsors, and the numbers keep growing!
If you haven’t done so already, tell everyone you know to call and write their representative and ask that they support the “Federal Reserve Transparency Act H.R. 1207″.
If you called before and if your representative is not listed below, follow up and ask them to take a position either way so we know where they stand on the issue of bringing transparency to the Federal Reserve.
Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121