Hollerin' at West Virginians to wake up to the truth! "Mountaineers are always free" is the real but forgotten State Motto that needs to be re-asserted before it is no longer true.
An alternative, non-partisan, independent media blog for West Virginia breaking through the official propaganda of contracted news and the distortions of Talk Radio.
The headlines at Drudge Report within the last 24 hours included one that stated "Tax Dodgers Taunt Police from Hilltop Compound". This sensational headline, linked to a CNN articleof the same rhetoric, talked about these "dangerous" tax evaders, as if they represent a militant threat to society. Thus the "powers that be" control the media story through contracted press and, like Waco, Ruby Ridge, and other infamous incidents, the demonization of principled persons begins through the national media to make an example of those who dare resist the questionable "powers that be".
The controversy centers on the Income Tax and IRS powers, whether the 16th amendment was lawfully ratified (something questionable of almost every amendment since the Civil War), and also why there is "no law" that tells Americans that a mandatory income tax must be filed or paid, something openly questioned and disputed by former IRS agents (video clip below), with an increasing movement toward investigatory and open resistance unless the government can prove its case, without coercion or intimidation, in a court of law. Aaron Russo's latest documentary, worth reviewing on this subject and more, is entitled "Freedom to Fascism", where such former IRS agents are interviewed on this very subject. QUESTION: IF FORMER IRS AGENTS QUESTION AND DENY THAT THERE IS "NO LAW" TO MAKE AMERICANS LAWFULLY REQUIRED TO FILE INCOME TAX, WHY WILL THE ISSUE NOT BE ADDRESSED, AND WHY SHOULD AMERICANS OBEY SOMETHING MERELY LEVELED BY COERCIVE PROCESS AND DEMAND?
“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”
– Thomas Jefferson
The Last Defenders of Limited, Constitutional Government
The Truth must prevail over Political-Correctness for Just Judgement to rule
The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.
--H. L. Mencken
Judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey.
--Isaiah 59 During times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
--George Orwell
"Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again, The eternal years of God are hers; But Error, wounded, writhes in pain, And dies among his worshippers."
America's Government: Militant Democracy or Constitutional Republic?
Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. -- James Madison In a democracy there is a centralization of governmental power in a simple majority. And that, visibly, is the system of government which the enemies of our republic are seeking to impose on us today. Nor are we "drifting" into that system ... We are being insidiously, conspiratorially, and treasonously led by deception, by bribery, by coercion, and by fear, to destroy a republic that was the envy and model for all of the civilized world. -- Robert Welch
“We should expect tyranny to result from democracy, the most savage subjection from an excess of liberty”.--Plato, Republic, Book VIII, 564 a
History teaches that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.
--Ronald Reagan, Address to the Nation, Jan 16, 1984
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem...It is my intention to curb the size and influence of the federal establishment and to demand recognition of the distinction between the powers granted to the federal government and those reserved to the states or to the people. All of us need to be reminded that the federal government did not create the states; the states created the federal government. --Ronald Reagan, Inaugural Address, Jan 1981
The Rise of Democratic Federal Despotism Began Here
The True Nature of the Civil War
West Virginia Should Not Comply with REAL ID
A state senator in Maine (the first state to refuse REAL ID) makes a compelling argument how REAL ID would not prevent terrorism and is a burden to the people. WV legislators should pass legislation against REAL ID now.
The Power of the Israeli Lobby--Scott Ritter, former Marine, UN Weapons Inspector
FOX Reported Israeli Spies in U.S.-- arrests after 9/11
FOX reported it so you decide. Between 60 and 130 Israeli's, including active military, arrested after 9/11 using PATRIOT ACT. Elaborate and extensive Israeli spy network proven, even targetting FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Ties to 9/11 information considered. Tony Snow, ironically, appears in 4th segment. Israeli company has exclusive control of ALL American phone records.
Bush's Complicity in 9/11 Proven, By His Own Words
Bush (flippantly) claims he saw the first WTC strike, live, on a TV, prior to entering the school in Florida on Sept. 11th. This could not have been done without prior knowledge and arrangements to monitor the "surprise attack" live. Argue with Bush himself if you want. We just report, you decide.
London's 7/7 Train Bombing Proven a False Flag Attack
Bush on Bin Laden--Disinterested, "if he"s alive at all"
9/11: Firefighters and Architects Testify of Controlled Demolition
Pilots for 9/11 Truth Interview John Lear about 9/11
John Lear, son of founder of Lear Jet; Begin listening at 7:00 minute mark. States the impossibility of unskilled (even skilled) to hit WTC towers on first try.
Aaron Russo tells of Nick Rockefeller"s account of 9/11 Lie and Hoax for "War on Terror", and more