U.S. Comptroller General: "Greatest Threat to America is Fiscal Irresponsibility" Not Terrorism
What the neo-republican candidates do not like to talk about, nor do the democrats, is that somehow everything must be paid for as the military-industrial-media complex war machine, under the plea of "necessity", continues to become a global and domestic financial Leviathan.
The CATO Institute also published this some time ago, appropriate as a precursor to the Comptroller General's assessment shown Sunday:
While President Bush is obviously aware of the benefits and the need to cut taxes as a way to trigger economic growth, the government continues to expand, bureaucratic programs blossom, and talk of eliminating entire government departments is a distant memory. No, Bush is no Reagan. And despite the self-proclaimed party of limited government controlling the White House and the Congress, it continues to move further and further away from the limited government envisioned by our founding fathers.
From the Comptroller General
David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States
ABC News: GAO Chief Warns Economic Disaster Looms