Palin Brings Feminism to Republicans and Christians
No longer can Rush Limbaugh talk of the radical "Femi-nazis" then without including republican VP candidate Palin in that monologue, can he? But feminism includes more than just abortion rights. And consider the threat of what feminism really is to society's integrity and constitution, even from a strictly secular viewpoint. For a unique critique on feminism see this article which says in part:
...most contemporary what Sommers has called "gender feminism," which is essentially based on a form of Marxist theory that substitutes "gender" for Marx's category of "class," or simply adds the two together, usually with "race" thrown in. This sort of "race, class, and gender" theory is typically a dangerous form of political moralism, with the same totalitarian characteristics as other versions of Marxism have proven to display.
There is a slow awakening of just what Palin really represents among conservative Christians. An example of such Christian dissent against Palin is represented in an article here which underlines the hypocrisy of pretending she is "conservative" or even Christian in representation, even while the political left consider her a threat:For years, conservative Christians have been outspoken in their opposition to the political vision of the radical feminist movement. Now they are supporting a woman for the second highest office in the land who is a self-identified feminist who wants to make feminist objectives a part of her political agenda.What you hear alot of on talk radio (Rush, Hannity, et al) is that Feminism is being redefined, for Palin, as if only for those women who are pro-abortion rights. That is purposely misleading and intellectually dishonest, what can be called pure propaganda.
If the dissent grows among Christian conservatives this could potentially then cost McCain losing at least a portion of his conservative base (which never liked him) more than helping him as perhaps he thought! Palin could be McCain's downfall.
If McCain is losing "moderate republicans" and now part of the conservative base (who might not vote, or vote for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party), it will be impossible for him to win. Yet the better national polls show it very close, apparently meaning that conservatives have not yet left him. But could this account for some of the closing gap between McCain and Obama in West Virginia?
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