Apr 11, 2008

Pat Buchanan Warns War with Iran Imminent

The recent Petraeus testimony set the table. Read this entire article to see how. Buchanan masterfully uncovers what was just done, and how the neocon's desired war can be started before Bush is out! Note the players, such as Lieberman in particular, who is at McCain's side now constantly.

Particularly damning of Congress and the Democrats (it takes a traditional, non-neoconservative republican to point this out) is that they themselves have been entirely complicit, and are being walked by the neocons like well-heeled dogs to war, while promising "change" or "withdrawal":

Because of the failures of a Democratic Congress elected to end the war, Bush can now make a compelling case that he would be acting fully within his authority as commander in chief.

In early 2007, Nancy Pelosi pulled down a resolution that would have denied Bush the authority to attack Iran without congressional approval. In September, both Houses passed the Kyl-Lieberman resolution designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization.

Courtesy of Congress, Bush thus has a blank check for war on Iran.

clipped from wnd.com
Petraeus points to war with Iran

The neocons may yet get their war on Iran.

Ever since President Nouri al-Maliki ordered the attacks in Basra on the Mahdi Army, Gen. David Petraeus has been laying the predicate for U.S. air strikes on Iran and a wider war in the Middle East.

Iran, Petraeus told the Senate Armed Services Committee, has "fueled the recent violence in a particularly damaging way through its lethal support of the special groups."

Are Iranians then murdering Americans, asked Joe Lieberman:

"It certainly is. ... That is correct," said Petraeus.

Translation: The United States is now fighting the proxies of Iran for the future of Iraq.

The general's testimony is forcing Bush's hand,

Hence, be not surprised if President Bush appears before the TV cameras, one day soon, to declare:

"I have therefore directed U.S. air and naval forces to begin
In early 2007, Nancy Pelosi pulled down a resolution that would have denied Bush the authority to attack Iran without congressional approval.