Pat Buchanan Warns War with Iran Imminent
Particularly damning of Congress and the Democrats (it takes a traditional, non-neoconservative republican to point this out) is that they themselves have been entirely complicit, and are being walked by the neocons like well-heeled dogs to war, while promising "change" or "withdrawal":
Because of the failures of a Democratic Congress elected to end the war, Bush can now make a compelling case that he would be acting fully within his authority as commander in chief.
In early 2007, Nancy Pelosi pulled down a resolution that would have denied Bush the authority to attack Iran without congressional approval. In September, both Houses passed the Kyl-Lieberman resolution designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization.
Courtesy of Congress, Bush thus has a blank check for war on Iran.
Petraeus points to war with Iran
The general's testimony is forcing Bush's hand,
"I have therefore directed U.S. air and naval forces to begin In early 2007, Nancy Pelosi pulled down a resolution that would have denied Bush the authority to attack Iran without congressional approval. |