Apr 7, 2008

Recollecting the Civil War; The Beginning of Wars for Democracy

Monday afternoon, about 2 or 3 o'clock, when we were sitting about in disconsolate fashion, distracted by the contradictory rumors, our negro cook rushed into the room with eyes shining and face working with excitement. She had been down in " de ten-acre lot to pick a few years of cawn," and she had seen a long train of wagons coming up from the ford, and " dey is full of wounded men, and de blood running outen dem dat deep," measuring on her outstretched arm to the shoulder. This horrible picture sent us flying to town, where we found the streets
already crowded, the people all astir, and the foremont wagons, of what seemed an endless line, dis- charging their piteous burdens. The scene speedily became ghastly, but fortunately we could not stay tere were no preparations, no accommodations---the men could not be left in the street---what was to be done?
Our women set bravely to work...they bandaged and bathed, with a devotion that went far to make up for their inexperience.

A very moving account in this historical record (linked) above. This southern woman gives an account of caring for the thousands of wounded that day, describing in detail what modern authors cannot even imagine. Historical reality is very awakening and sobering to consider. People wrote with pen then more vividly than modern screen writers. These words of hers bring images from print to mind, the reality of a war unseen and erased from modern consciousness.

People today think little of the reality of war, beyond news and political debates. This moving and touching scene in this woman s account shows it up close and personal.

People should consider more what this war was really about if they consider the numbers involved, and that combat was often hand to hand, not bombing from a safe distance or high in the sky.

Historical Ammo comparison:
(left) modern 30-30 ammo used for deer hunting vs. Civil War rifle ball (right).
Provided courtesy of Civil War reenactor in Hurricane, WV. Which looks more deadly and powerful?


The Civil War claimed over 620,000, more than all other U.S. wars combined to present, fighting not merely the Northern States but the Federal government in Washington! The fruits of Yankee-controlled government are now plain to see.

Since 1861 the Yankee Federal government has begun a policy of "regime change" toward global Democracy, i.e. "to rid the world of tyranny". (See Bush's State of the Union 2006 here). Operation Iraqi Freedom used the same excuse of "emancipation" of Iraqi's (without their call or consent) for Invasion, just like the Lincoln (first republican president) invasion of the South, burning their cities, just like Fallujah.

Wars for Democracy have clearly been the policy of Wilson (WWI), Roosevelt (WWII--"We must be the great arsenal of Democracy"), and all subsequent wars. This is why not only Bush, but republicans like McCain or democrats like Clinton or Obama offer no real "change" to this global policy. (Obama claims to "change the world", in his own words). Wars have all been fought for Democracy in the last 150 years, not "due to religion" as is often claimed. (Violent democratic agenda began at the French and Russian revolutions).

A recent Cato Institute podcast on the Civil War with a history professor in Pennsylvania bears this out, and is well worth brief reading and 5 minute listen.


James Henley Thornwell, D.D., a Presbyterian minister and President of South Carolina college (now USC) in 1861 put the South's position on the so-called Civil War in these terms in his treatise "Our Danger & Our Duty":

we are struggling for constitutional freedom. We are upholding the great principles which our fathers bequeathed us, and if we should succeed, and become, as we shall, the dominant nation of this continent, we shall perpetuate and diffuse the very liberty for which Washington bled, and which the heroes of the Revolution achieved. We are not revolutionists-- we are resisting revolution. We are upholding the true doctrines of the Federal Constitution. We are conservative. Our success is the triumph of all that has been considered established in the past. We can never become aggressive; we may absorb, but we can never invade for conquest, any neighboring State. The peace of the world is secured if our arms prevail.

A Spontaneous Skirmish, Civil War Days -- Hurricane, WV