Lawmakers push to align state, federal gun laws
Lawmakers push to align state, federal gun laws
Two New York Democrats, Sen. Charles Schumer, and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, announced legislation Sunday that would require states to upgrade their reporting of mental health records to the federal database. The bill would provide new money to states to help them automate their records, but also apply financial penalties on states that do not comply.
Please help inform all of this seemingly tame ruse which should be rejected as contrary to both the 10th ammendment states rights (vs. Federal despotism) and 2nd ammendment right to bear arms. The stratagy (in lieu of V Tech) seems innocuous, but is a danger in that talk shows were birraged with calls for "mandatory mental health screening" as (preemptive) action to "prevent this from happening again". So the plan is this: 1) mandatory mental health screening, 2) arbitrary criteria about who is considered "mentally ill", and 3) therefore unable to buy a gun. This legislation sets the framework for the mental health Inquisition, an entirely broad and arbitrary power against "liberty of conscience". Again the abused doctrine of "preemption" is all over this, and is the same basis for Total Surveillance Police State "to prevent crime"--establishing "guilt" in advance, without jury trial. The public entirely accepts this arbitrary "presumption of guilt" with arbitrary standards as "moderate" legislation! Those who control what is deemed "mental health" control gun ownership by their laws.