Easter Not a Christian Holiday
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day...
-- Colossians 2:16
Rejecting customary religious observances used to be deadly. But now under the pretense of "freedom" the public compels almost all to fall in line, especially by Christian professors in churches and even talk radio. But the truth is not on the side of the modern Christian pundits. Like Christmas, Easter is "Christianized" paganism which is why early American Christian colonists, like the Pilgrims and Puritans (Presbyterians too), who considered it a Roman Catholic "tradition" and pagan superstition, refused to observe it. As this article points out the very term "Easter" is entirely pagan, not Christian whatsoever. Why then do modern Christians say "happy Easter", and glorify a pagan deity? Because of their mass indoctrination by the modern corrupted churches, and family "traditions", imitated blindly. It is another merchandisers' holiday, very lucrative, both by consumer products companies and corporate churches alike. Easter, like Christmas and other holidays, is very profitable.
One may also justly question the practice of state government, hosted by the governor, holding "Easter egg hunts", indoctrinating children (candy, like presents, are forms of Pavlovian rewards and bribes for blind participation), while the state and federal Constitutions forbid the establishment of any particular denomination or religious practice, which is in this case entirely of pagan origin. Of course the Roman Catholic governor is free to observe his own pagan Easter egg hunt at the governor's mansion and residence, but not to make it a public government-sponsored festival.
As usual, "customary" and "common practice" trumps both law and Christian truth. The fight for Christian religious liberty, from history, has clearly been forgotten by modern Christian churches who practice the very things that the corrupt and tyrannical Church of England, or even the heathen nations, practiced--without blinking an eye! If the early Christian Americans witnessed this they would be astonished. Are the churches ignorant of the protestant Christian martyrs who willingly suffered the most brutal torture and horrific deaths for their principled dissent from both pagan and Roman Catholic (or Anglican) religious "traditions"?
Is it not the height of irrationality and absurdity to associate the person of Jesus Christ with a pagan deity, or by incorporating "sunrise" (Sun worship, solar equinox pagan observance) services and Spring (fertility) customs of the heathen? Words have meanings and to confuse terms (claiming "Easter" is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ) is both stupid and a form of religious blasphemy.
The article linked below from a Puritan and Reformed Christian site offers a striking contrast, and historical perspective, compared to modern Christianity's acceptance of this so-called "holy day" which is ecumenically observed by Christian and non-Christians alike.
Even Socrates, the ancient philosopher, describes the different ways in which Easter was observed What does one find when looking at the celebration of Easter? The term “Easter” is certainly not Christian, |