McCain Presidency: Neocons on Steroids
Many democrats and republicans alike are fooled by McCain on foreign policy, thinking he is "moderate". But "McCain would make Bush look like Ghandi", is what some are saying, and here is why:
Take a look (article below linked) at what insiders say about McCain s foreign policy. Then look at his list of neoconservative advisers, particularly William Kristol (pictured left, scheduled to speak at Univ. of Charleston April 16th) who led the Project for New American Century and their blueprint for "a new middle east" and former CIA director James Woolsey (pictured right, also a PNAC member), whom former Colin Powell chief of Staff Wilkerson calls here "scary" . 
Note his plan for a "League of Democracies" (this is the global plan for PAX AMERICANA, per Clarence K. Streit in 1942) to "bypass the balky United Nations" for a more unilateral (i.e. U.S., Israel, Great Britain, and now Zarkosy-led France) approach to gaining international support for wars for "regime change". (This is not an endorsement of the UN, which was designed for the same purpose). McCain would be the neoconservative agenda on steroids.
McCain, though despised by many conservatives, is a dangerous neocon weapon of mass destruction who indeed will make Bush look like Ghandi. (See our previous post McCain as President Would Be Megalomaniac).
Crooks and Liars captured the interview with Dreyfuss, who wrote the article below, which includes video here.

Note his plan for a "League of Democracies" (this is the global plan for PAX AMERICANA, per Clarence K. Streit in 1942) to "bypass the balky United Nations" for a more unilateral (i.e. U.S., Israel, Great Britain, and now Zarkosy-led France) approach to gaining international support for wars for "regime change". (This is not an endorsement of the UN, which was designed for the same purpose). McCain would be the neoconservative agenda on steroids.
McCain, though despised by many conservatives, is a dangerous neocon weapon of mass destruction who indeed will make Bush look like Ghandi. (See our previous post McCain as President Would Be Megalomaniac).
Crooks and Liars captured the interview with Dreyfuss, who wrote the article below, which includes video here.
To combat what he likes to call "the transcendent challenge [of] radical Islamic extremism," McCain is drawing up plans for a new set of global institutions, from a potent covert operations unit to a "League of Democracies" that can bypass the balky United Nations, from an expanded NATO that will bump up against Russian interests in Central Asia and the Caucasus to a revived US unilateralism that will engage in "rogue state rollback" against his version of the "axis of evil." In all, it's a new apparatus designed to carry the "war on terror" deep into the twenty-first century. Joining Scheunemann, a veteran neoconservative strategist and one of the chief architects of the Iraq War, are a panoply of like-minded neocons who've gathered to advise McCain, including Bill Kristol, James Woolsey, Robert Kagan, Max Boot, Gary Schmitt and Maj. Ralph Peters. "There are some who've moved into his camp who scare me," Wilkerson says. "Scare me." |