Montana Governor to Feds: "Go to Hell" On REAL ID; Governor Joe Manchin Plays the Puppet
While other governors like our own Gov. Joe Manchin are playing politically-correct puppets like cowards and complying with REAL ID, to kiss up to the federal powers (for political ambitions?), the governor of Montana is standing up boldly like a man (consistent with his oath of office) for the Constitution, State's Rights, 4th amendment privacy of their citizens and challenging what he called the "bluff" of the Federal government with its threats of "special treatment" beginning May 11th for those whose states are rejecting REAL ID (see earlier post).
West Virginia almost joined seventeen other states that have passed measures against REAL ID as well when the Senate passed bipartisan bill 248 with only three dissenting votes until the governor's lobbying got it stalled in House committee without an up or down vote. The governors and legislators of Maine and New Hampshire have made it clear they will not bow to federal threats or coercion against their citizens (by arbitrary and unconstitutional treatment) either that are being used to intimidate to force REAL ID upon the states.
The governor of Montana should be an example to Gov. Manchin, and the government and people of West Virginia. As Ronald Reagan stated once,
This is a short, must-listen NPR interview that every American needs to hear. (Click the link at the top of the clip if the "listen now" does not open the player, to go directly to the story page and audio).
West Virginia almost joined seventeen other states that have passed measures against REAL ID as well when the Senate passed bipartisan bill 248 with only three dissenting votes until the governor's lobbying got it stalled in House committee without an up or down vote. The governors and legislators of Maine and New Hampshire have made it clear they will not bow to federal threats or coercion against their citizens (by arbitrary and unconstitutional treatment) either that are being used to intimidate to force REAL ID upon the states.
The governor of Montana should be an example to Gov. Manchin, and the government and people of West Virginia. As Ronald Reagan stated once,
"All of us need to be reminded that the federal government did not create the states; the states created the federal government".Therefore the sovereignty of the states, demonstrated in their creation and limiting of federal powers, is the chief defense in preventing federal despotism, particularly effecting citizens rights and privacy.
This is a short, must-listen NPR interview that every American needs to hear. (Click the link at the top of the clip if the "listen now" does not open the player, to go directly to the story page and audio).