FBI: Blackwater Recklessly Used Lethal Force, Murdering 14 Iraqis
Yet note that the rogue Blackwater mercenaries (terrorists) may be difficult to prosecute, perhaps due to "jurisdiction". But they could be tried by Iraqi government (you know, this "democracy" puppet government), and may in fact have an extradition agreement with the U.S. to do so.
One more important thing--Blackwater LIED (just like the neocon Bush administration does) and here is the FBI's findings to prove it:
Investigators found no evidence to support assertions by Blackwater employees that they were fired upon by Iraqi civilians. That finding sharply contradicts initial assertions by Blackwater officials, who said that company employees fired in self-defense and that three company vehicles were damaged by gunfire.
The case could be one of the first thorny issues to be decided by Michael B. Mukasey |