Nov 8, 2007

Iraq vs. Blackwater: Minister Authorizes Raids on Western "Security Firms"

The Bush administration claims everything is being done for Iraq's own good since "Operation Iraqi Freedom" started, even though Iraqis never asked the U.S. to "liberate" them from Saddam Hussein, even though there was no real evidence of WMD. But a report a year ago now said that over 655,000 Iraqis had been killed, while there is no count on the alleged "terrorists"--a figure that challenges the nature of the "noble mission". Iraqis have resisted U.S. invasion, occupation, and reconstruction just as Americans would if the U.S. were invaded, occupied, and reconstructed under the guise of saving us from "a tyrant" or a "rogue government that possesses WMD that threatens the stability of the world" (something that strikingly has more credibility than the report on Saddam). Americans would fight that invasion and occupation, just as the Iraqis have, and would not care if they were mislabeled and impugned as "terrorists" to do so. Americans would plant IEDs against the invaders as well, and even buy them from Cuba, if they had to, to do it.

Now we see in this news that Iraq has had enough of predominantly U.S. hired "security firms" like Blackwater, rogue terrorists that provoke and inflame violence from their paranoid "risk assessment" tactics that kill innocent civilians, drivers who get too close, or even Iraq government's own security guards. Iraq will now take aggressive action, even "raids", to enforce THEIR rule of law against Blackwater and other mercenaries.

Such action proves that Iraq's reconstructed government resents U.S. occupation and its rogue tactics. Iraq will never be liberated or free until the U.S. leaves. Yet the U.S. has no plans of leaving, ever.
clipped from

BAGHDAD, Nov. 7 — The Iraqi interior minister said Wednesday that he would authorize raids by his security forces on Western security firms to ensure that they were complying with tightened licensing requirements on guns and other weaponry, setting up the possibility of violent confrontations between the Iraqis and heavily armed Western guards.

Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani said Iraqi forces would ensure that new licensing rules were being observed.

The tightening of the requirements followed a shooting in September by one of those firms, Blackwater, that Iraqi authorities said left 17 Iraqis dead.

“Every company will be subject to such examination, and any company that does not follow the law will lose its license,” the minister, Jawad al-Bolani, said of the planned raids. “They are called security companies. They are not called violate-the-law companies.”