Look at Basra--Stopping the Surge Works! Why Capito Should Support Troop Withdrawal
Welcome to Human Behavior 101: When occupation and oppression ceases people stop fighting and seek to govern themselves. You cannot "liberate" through conquest, nor "defend freedom" by erecting tyranny. The only incentive to the Iraqi's for the surge to work is to lay low to make the invading U.S. troops leave. Yes, there are rival factions, but that is their business, not ours, and it is impossible for Iraq to be "liberated" as is claimed, until U.S. occupation ends.
Shelly Moore Capito will be met by protesters Tuesday (while the troops will not be home for Thanksgiving) who demand (as do the polls of 70 percent of Americans) an end to U.S. involvement in the war (i.e. invasion, occupation) of Iraq. She ought to consider this report closely.
The neocon propaganda machine parrots that "the left" (whereby they impune and lump in traditional republicans and conservatives) and "anti-war protesters want us to lose". But the truth is the war party does not want the violence to stop, except by U.S. occupation, in order to maintain a perpetual military presence in Iraq to continue the neoconservative blueprint for a "new middle east". This is why the Congressional Budget Office has done the financial numbers through 2017!